FAQs Archive - Page 2 of 4 - SurfPrep
24 03, 2021

Why am I getting sanding swirls or “pigtails?”

By |2021-03-25T10:20:17-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on Why am I getting sanding swirls or “pigtails?”

There can be a few reasons why you are seeing swirls or "pigtails" when sanding. One of the most common is too much downward pressure on your sander or moving at too fast of a rate. Keep in mind that your sander requires just enough pressure to control it. [...]

24 03, 2021

There are so many different abrasives. How do I know which one to use when?

By |2021-03-24T16:17:20-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: , |Comments Off on There are so many different abrasives. How do I know which one to use when?

SurfPrep offers a wide selection and variety of abrasives. Many times, there is not one "correct" answer to this question, but in some cases there is.  If you are new to finishing, the primary thing you should know is that sanding tasks require an order of grits, also called [...]

24 03, 2021

I have had my sander for a while now and suddenly, it is “jumpier” now when I sand. I have recalibrated it and it is still doing it. What is wrong?

By |2021-03-24T16:12:42-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: , |Comments Off on I have had my sander for a while now and suddenly, it is “jumpier” now when I sand. I have recalibrated it and it is still doing it. What is wrong?

If you have recalibrated your tool and it is still jumpy, there is a good chance that it is time to replace your red foam backup pad. You can do this yourself with the 2.5mm Allen (hex head) wrench that came with your sanding kit. Simply remove the 4 machine screws that hold on your [...]

24 03, 2021

How do I screw the Surfprep hose into the sander’s vacuum port? I have tried and cannot get it to go in.

By |2021-03-24T16:10:42-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on How do I screw the Surfprep hose into the sander’s vacuum port? I have tried and cannot get it to go in.

SurfPrep vacuum hoses that screw into the exhaust port of your tool are threaded counterclockwise. This means that when screwing the hose into the vacuum port, you turn it in the opposite direction than the old phrase " righty tighty, lefty loosey."   Line up the hose end into the port [...]

24 03, 2021

Can I use my vacuum compatible sander without a vacuum? What happens to the dust if I do?

By |2021-03-24T16:07:09-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: , |Comments Off on Can I use my vacuum compatible sander without a vacuum? What happens to the dust if I do?

Yes, you can! Just be sure to remove the two small rectangular rubber plugs covering the breather vents on each side of your tool or overheating may occur. Should your tool overheat, it has a built-in safeguard and will slow the motor down by pushing it into a preservation mode until the heat subsides. A recalibration [...]

24 03, 2021

Can my Surfprep 3″x4″ Electric Ray strip paint from furniture or cabinets?

By |2021-03-25T10:10:37-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on Can my Surfprep 3″x4″ Electric Ray strip paint from furniture or cabinets?

Your SurfPrep 3"x4" Electric Ray is a very versatile sander and can conquer many sanding chores. However, trying to strip heavily painted items that have been brush painted over the years with multiple coats of paint is a tall order and better suited for our 5” or 6” orbital dual action tools [...]

24 03, 2021

What type of maintenance does my sander need? Air vs Electric

By |2021-03-25T10:56:54-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on What type of maintenance does my sander need? Air vs Electric

ELECTRIC  With SurfPrep's electric sanders, maintenance consists of blowing out your sander with compressed air occasionally, replacing your RFBP (red foam backup pad) and not aggressively pulling the cord from an outlet. You do not need a lot of air pressure to blow out your sander and 10 to 20 pounds of pressure of compressed air should [...]

24 03, 2021

What are the different speeds for on my sander? When do I use what setting?

By |2021-03-24T15:53:43-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: , |Comments Off on What are the different speeds for on my sander? When do I use what setting?

Your Surfprep sander has either 3 or 4 speeds depending on the model. The sander is generally used on the higher speed but, the lower speeds can be used while performing various other sanding tasks. The primary reason you might want to use a slower speed is to better control your [...]

24 03, 2021

How do I know when to replace my sanding sheets/pads/discs?

By |2021-03-24T15:51:32-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on How do I know when to replace my sanding sheets/pads/discs?

When using any abrasive, the abrasive minerals that are attached to the backing will begin to wear and "round-off" as you sand. This decreases their effectiveness, and their cutting effect will decrease notably the longer you sand. The moment you feel you are putting more effort into sanding and not seeing a noticeable [...]

24 03, 2021

Can I make my non-vacuum sander vacuum compatible, or do I need a new sander?

By |2021-03-25T10:19:36-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: |Comments Off on Can I make my non-vacuum sander vacuum compatible, or do I need a new sander?

If you are currently using a non-vacuum SurfPrep sander and want to make the change to become vacuum compatible, all you need is a vacuum conversion kit! Find them here: https://Vacuum Conversion Kits   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6XCy4zYYJE&t=2s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuuWBoKBlus&t=204s

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