Tool Repair Forms

Please fill out this form to let SurfPrep know what issues you may be having with your sander. Once we receive and evaluate your sander problem, you will be notified on how to proceed. Please be as detailed as possible so we can resolve the issue in a timely manner. Some sander repairs will be simple where replacement parts can be purchased and the tool can be repaired by the tool owner. Others will involve sending your tool in for repairs.

*Do not send your sander in for repair until we receive and evaluate the tool repair form below. We will let you know how to proceed within 24-48 business hours at the very latest.


  • •••Initial tool repair cost is $35 plus additional cost for replacement parts

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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General Repair Form
